The Realities of Digital Marketing: Income Claims and Educational Hypes

10 minutes

Ever wondered why so many folks dive headfirst into digital marketing, dreaming of big bucks and easy and early success? The world of digital marketing is exciting and enticing, with promises of substantial incomes and life-changing opportunities around every corner. But is it all it’s cracked up to be? Let’s peel back the curtain and see what’s really going on…

The Allure of Income Claims

“In just six months, you too can be earning six figures!” Sounds familiar, right? These income claims are everywhere in digital marketing promos. They’re designed to catch your eye and get you dreaming of what could be. But here’s the scoop: while these claims are technically possible, they’re not a guarantee. The success stories plastered all over social media often represent the best-case scenarios, usually not mentioning the hardships and mishaps along the way.

Is it possible to make six figures in six months?  Sure! A select few have but it’s far from the norm. After making friends with 9 very successful TikTok and Instagrammer Entrepreneurs in late 2023 and early 2024, I can tell you there’s much more to it than making a few TikTok Videos and Instagram Reels.  Months of research into the anatomy of a post, what makes good content, virality, content to post, why and how much… the list goes on but what I can say for sure is that there was quite a bit of market research and failures before their success, it wasn’t as easy as it looks. 

I was a beta tester for two new friends courses that launched in 2024 (don’t worry, no sales here) for @contentwithtony and @opportunityscott and I have a lot more I’ll share in the coming weeks about how they created them and why, the psychology of the course creation world and what they’re good for.  If you’re interested that is!  Leave me a comment below if this interests you and I’ll really go in depth with screenshots and peeks into the process.

I’ll take your through the stages of what a digital marketer (or anyone else in the make money space) now.  It’s really interesting to see yourself in every stage of the process and identify what you’re experiencing.

The Psychology of Uninformed Optimism

Uninformed optimism often kicks in early in the digital marketing journey. It’s that initial phase where enthusiasm skyrockets and the potential rewards seem just a few clicks away. This optimism is heavily fueled by the way digital marketing is portrayed. With all the success stories and testimonials floating around, it’s easy to assume that success is guaranteed and straightforward. But here’s the kicker: this phase glosses over the grit and grind needed behind the scenes.

Marketers who capitalize on this optimism often use persuasive language that makes the process seem simpler than it is. They promise revolutionary results with minimal effort or expertise, playing on the natural human tendency to seek quick and easy solutions to complex challenges. However, the lack of informed expectations can lead to significant disappointments when the real work begins and the anticipated results don’t materialize as easily or as quickly as hoped.

The key to moving past uninformed optimism is education and setting realistic expectations. It’s crucial to understand the full scope of what digital marketing entails, including the common obstacles and the level of commitment required. Prospective marketers need to arm themselves with knowledge, not just about the strategies that work but also about the common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Navigating the Valley of Despair in Digital Marketing

After the high of uninformed optimism, many digital marketers encounter what’s known as the valley of despair. This is the point where the initial excitement has worn off, and the hard reality of what it takes to succeed in digital marketing sets in. It might come after the first failed campaign, a series of rejections, or simply not seeing the expected traffic or sales despite following all the ‘proven’ strategies.

he valley of despair is characterized by frustration, doubt, and the temptation to give up. It’s a critical juncture where one’s persistence is tested, and many abandon their digital marketing dreams here. However, this valley also serves as a crucial learning ground. It is here that marketers learn resilience, adapt their strategies, and build the grit needed to succeed in the competitive digital marketing arena.

To climb out of this valley, it’s vital to:

  • Stay connected: Engage with other marketers and join digital marketing communities. These connections can provide support, advice, and encouragement to keep going.
  • Continuously learn: The digital marketing landscape is always evolving. Staying updated with the latest tools, trends, and techniques is crucial.
  • Evaluate and adapt: Use failures as learning opportunities. Analyze what went wrong and how you can improve. Adapting your strategies based on real-world feedback is essential for growth.
  • Set small, achievable goals: Instead of aiming straight for massive success, set smaller, incremental goals that can help rebuild confidence and momentum.

By understanding and preparing for the challenges represented by uninformed optimism and the valley of despair, digital marketers can better navigate their journey towards success with a more realistic and sustainable approach.

Insight into Popular Courses: Roadmap 3.0 and Legendary Marketer $7 Course

Courses like Roadmap 3.0 and Legendary Marketer are often seen as gateways to mastering digital marketing and making money online. These courses are marketed to both beginners and those looking to refine their strategies, promising to deliver the keys to digital marketing success. Let’s break down what these types of courses typically offer and what they can realistically achieve:

Roadmap 3.0 (also known as Roadmap to Riches) is often described as a comprehensive guide through the digital marketing landscape, covering everything from initial setup to social media marketing. The course includes video tutorials, designed to give a hands-on learning experience and allows you to build your online business ecosystem so that you have the foundation for success. However, while the content can be rich and informative, the real challenge lies in applying this knowledge effectively in diverse, real-world scenarios. The course’s value is greatest for those who actively engage with the materials and can creatively adapt the strategies to their unique situations.

Roadmap is a course I personally purchased and my experience is similar to most people’s.  Interesting things to highlight:

You’ll learn:

  • How to set up my ecosystem so that I could run an online business.
  • How to use social media platforms in great detail and how they can be used to create traffic and make sales.
  • Affiliate Marketing and Blogging basics… it gives an overview of what it is and how to get started but much more research was needed to get started.
  • Driving traffic with social media.
  • Tools to use as a Digital Marketer

I really enjoyed it but it wasn’t everything and a bag of chips.  It was great for setting a foundation but it’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to running an online business and using digital marketing to drive traffic. Cost of this course was $497.  What’s interesting is that it comes with something called MRR licence (Master Resale Rights).  This allows the purchaser of the Roadmap to resell the course and keep 100% of the profit (all $497) without any royalties to pay to the original creator.  This gives you your first digital product to sell while you’re figuring out your niche and working on digital products for it.    

What I think was missing is how to actually make sales online. Sales takes a lot of work, research and practice so this is where the continuing education begins after finishing The Roadmap 3.0

Legendary Marketer $7 Course is another course I took and it typically aims to be an affordable entry point into digital marketing, providing a broad overview rather than in-depth expertise. The low price attracts a wide audience, but it’s important for potential buyers to manage their expectations. The course may cover basic principles and provide useful tips, but it won’t cover the advanced techniques required to compete at a higher level.

It’s a starting point, which can be followed by more specialized learning as one’s needs and skills develop which is the upsell… Once you’re halfway through the course they start dropping hints about continuing your education by upgrading to their $2500 “Blueprint” to online success.  They’ve gotten in some hot water lately because of the deceptive practices and the FTC is paying very close attention to them now. See Good Morning America’s Expose here.

The effectiveness of both courses depends significantly on the learner’s initiative in applying the lessons learned and continuing to seek further education beyond the course materials. Additionally, prospective students should scrutinize course reviews and outcomes to gauge their potential effectiveness and ensure they are not just falling for marketing hype.

Legendary Marketer is, in essence, an MLM.  They allow you to resell the $7 course and if you’re able to upgrade to the $2500 Blueprint, you make $1000.  Not the full amount.  Everyone I know that’s purchased the $2500 Blueprint has now moved to The Roadmap because it gives the same level of information for 80% less.

The Ecosystem of Buying and Reselling Courses

The digital marketing education space has spawned an intriguing ecosystem of its own: the buying and reselling of courses. Here’s how it typically works:

  • Initial Purchase: Individuals buy a digital marketing course, drawn in by the promises of comprehensive knowledge and quick results.
  • Content Repackaging: Some buyers, having gained insight or simply looking to capitalize on the content, repackage the knowledge (sometimes with a few tweaks or additions) to create their own courses.
  • Reselling: These repackaged courses are then sold, often at a similar or higher price point, marketed as new or updated content.

This cycle can be beneficial but also problematic. It democratizes the ability to teach and earn from digital marketing knowledge. However, it can also lead to market saturation with similar content, varying in quality and effectiveness. Potential buyers should look for courses that offer:

  • Unique insights or strategies that are not just recycled content.
  • Transparent author credentials that provide evidence of their expertise and success in digital marketing.
  • Ongoing support or community engagement that can help learners navigate the course material and apply it effectively.

Understanding this ecosystem is crucial for anyone looking to invest in digital marketing education. It helps in making informed choices about which courses to purchase and highlights the importance of continuous learning and critical evaluation in the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing.

Wrapping It Up

So, what’s the takeaway? Digital marketing is exciting and can be rewarding, but it’s not the effortless gold mine that it’s often made out to be. It requires hard work, a hefty dose of reality, thoughtfulness, and continuous learning. By all means, jump into digital marketing, but do so with your eyes wide open and your expectations in check.

Remember, staying informed and grounded is your best bet in navigating the enticing yet tricky world of digital marketing. Keep learning, keep questioning, and don’t shy away from the hard truths. Happy marketing!

If you’re interested in learning more about anything I’ve mentioned in here, drop a comment below and I’ll dive deeper into it.  I’ve navigated digital marketing thoroughly and I’d love to help support or answer questions at no cost to you, I’m not selling anything, I just really like helping people.

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I’m Vanessa

Welcome to Sweet Shibumi, my little piece of the internet where I talk everything Affiliate and Digital Marketing as well as things that I’ve used to elevate my Social Media Marketing game.

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